OK: Oklahoma Bill Would Ban Sending Sexy Selfies Unless You’re Married

Source: reason.com 1/22/24

It could also outlaw any sort of sexualized image, play, or performance, pornographic or not.

An anti-porn bill in Oklahoma is so extreme that it could even make sexting outside of a marriage a crime.

The wide-reaching bill would make merely viewing “obscene materials” a felony. It would also restrict “unlawful porn” distribution and production—with enforcement possible through both criminal prosecution and private lawsuits—and make it a misdemeanor to pose for, exhibit, or publish unlawful porn. And of course it would define these terms to include a huge array of sexually charged adult activity (far beyond what many people would consider pornography).

It’s part of a wave of conservative plans targeting a very broad definition of “porn”—First Amendment be damned—that threatens not just “hardcore pornography” but all sorts of erotic expression. Whether or not this particular bill goes anywhere, it represents a resurgent moral panic over porn (more common on the right, but present in more progressive corners too) and associated attempts to restrict it. Sometimes these attempts take the form of pressure campaigns on financial institutions that do business with sex workers or porn companies. Sometimes they involve lawsuits against porn websites or other platforms where porn is shared. A lot of them lately have focused on requiring age verification for porn sites. And sometimes, as with this Oklahoma bill, they attempt to drastically expand what is considered illegal obscenity or pornography.

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Oklahoma medical schools better start burning the intercourse films they show students.

Does anyone else feel like we’re running full force into 1984 or animal farm

Hmmm…. another bill that just might become law that I will start taking bets on with regard to how long it takes before a court invalidates it as violating the First Amendment. This bill has so many First Amendment deficiencies that to excise them would render the paper its printed on into a player piano roll.

The bill’s sponsor says it all. He won’t care if he’s advised by the constitutional implications on his bill, he will do it anyway. Someone will challenge it in Fed court and it will end up in Denver at the Tenth CCOA at the rate things go in OK, which is not okay. This is a street cred move for him since he has hardly been in the specially elected seat long enough to get it warm.

Last edited 1 year ago by TS

This is nothing more than the whole “prohibition” thing all over again…just with porn. Outlawing anything that a significant number of people partake in just creates a higher demand for it, and what you end up with is turning ordinary citizens into “tech-savvy criminals”, who would then begin to navigate the seedy corners of the “dark web” to view or distribute what was once considered “vanilla” content. The already bloated registry would probably quadruple if this thing actually goes through and they start prosecuting. Seriously, why not just outlaw sex altogether, and then we could all propagate the species exclusively through artificial insemination, just as nature intended…

Last edited 1 year ago by nameless

The sad part is that you can thank ol’ Billy Clinton for all this crap. What’s even sadder is that absolutely absurd laws are de facto lawmaking today. Absolute manical abuse of public service. Elected offcials who do nothing and get paid lots of money to do it by the special interests.
I live in Oklahoma. Sometimes there is a glint of moderate thinking but then it reverts right back to all-or-nothing extremism.
I am done with politicians. And I make this promise. If this country falls apart somebody better start running.
I am sick of buffoons running my country and making us a laughing stock of our enemies (China, Russia, N. Korea, Iran). And yes, they ARE enemies of everything America represents.
The most disgusting part of all of this is that PFR’s are used as the scapegoat for wicked political sellouts to slowly dismantle freedom of the people in America. (If they can do things to us, they can do it to everyone else because they changed the law) But because we a have our Iphones, McDonalds,Hollywood, porn, drugs, and hookers; we dont care that our country is going right in the crapper.
I can’t be the only one who sees the shameless selling out by our political reps to corporate greed and foreign interest.
What do I know? I’m just a man. A man who was almost swept away by American vice.

What’s next? Make it illegal to kiss a girl goodnight after a date unless you’re married? (rolls eyes)

I’ve never been a fan of people sending nude selfies anyway because it opens too many doors for bad things to happen. A girl you sent a picture to could get mad and break up with you and the next thing you know your Johnson is posted on social media for all to see.

Last edited 1 year ago by Disgusted in Michigan

What happened to this county? did one day say about 40 years ago everyone started wearing underwear that were too tight ? or did they drink too much tap water ? you know at the very least these anti sex nuts are the biggest closet freaks , Right?or are they just plain old school constitution haters? normally I would do the lazy thought and just think this will get slapped down in the ussc . but now that I have grown eyes in the back of my head due to this registry whipping post freak show, I just can’t call it any more , these folks are taking us backwards in a bad way to a bad time .

So basically they want to ban everything mentioned in the Bible, but not the book itself. Makes perfect sense because these lawmakers are such bastions of morality, right? No, but they DO know how to wield outrage culture and religion to effectively dupe the masses.

Last edited 1 year ago by Facts should matter

Personally, I cannot wait for the first Oklahoma politician to be busted for this!!! 🤣🤣🤣
And you know that’s what’s coming! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Why stop at being married? Are nude selfies somehow not “obscene” when the sender and recipient are married? If so, shouldn’t married couples be allowed to have sex in public view?

Last edited 1 year ago by Dustin

I like this idea. The growth of the registry has stalled and we need numbers! This law will definitely get the OK numbers up!

Ban books – ban photos. This is slowly crawling towards “We don’t like this so let’s ban it” for just about anything. Seems generalized right? Well, watch some videos of what is banned in North Korea for example. This is how it starts; seems harmless at first until you stop and look back behind you and realize it’s too late.